ARGYLES STEM Scholars and Scholarship Awards

STEM Scholars

Rivier University's STEM Scholars are students and faculty in the science division studying and researching in the areas of biology, biotechnology, and environmental science. The goal is to attract students to STEM careers i n order to meet regional workforce needs in biological research and biotechnology. The community of scholars is focused on core areas of:

ARGYLES Scholarship

Five Students for Fall 2017 will each be awarded a four-year scholarship in the amount of $10,000 per year to total $40,000 over four years per student.

Scholarship Criteria

In order to be considered for a scholarship a student must:

Scholarship Benefits

Students awarded the scholarship will participate in all the ARGYLE Mentoring Program activities that will include a Field Biology Teaching Trip, cohort support, peer-student and faculty-student mentoring, undergraduate research and travel to scientific conferences, and workforce preparation. Each ARGYLES Scholar will collaborate with peer mentors, with the relationship beginning during the Field Biology Trip. Peer mentors will provide academic and psychosocial support, as well as practical knowledge regarding campus resources.

How to Apply for the ARGYLES Scholarship

Student accepted into biology. biotechnology, or environmental science will be sent an application for the scholarship. Scholarship applications are due February 1, 2017.