On 21 May 2014 an article appeared in Science News Magazine about didymo blooms. This analysis is an example of a possible abduction outline from this article.

Initial Observation

An initial observation is that didymo blooms occur.

Preliminary Conditions

There are two theories posed to explain how didymo blooms occur:

A1: Invasion. Didymosphenia geminata (didymo), a foreign or a mutant alga agressively invades clean watersheads resulting in the blooms.
A2: Environmental. Didymo is native to much of the globe, and that changes in water conditions are to blame for the blooms.

Each of the theories could explain the initial observation (as described above).

Both of these theories satisfy at least half of the criteria for a scientific theory and therefore have scientific merit as is shown by the following tables (the criteria, #1, #2, etc., is given in a previous section).

Rationale for the Invasion Theory
#1yes The theory is not complicated and has no inconsistencies
#2yes No fundamental principles are violated.
#3yes This theory explains the initial observation.
#4yes The theory applies to the area of investigation and does not go far beyond.
#5yes Competent, well-known researchers put forward the theory.
#6no No information about this.
#7no No math is mentioned.
#8yes No outside agenda is known.

Rationale for the Environmental Theory
#1yes The theory is not complicated and has no inconsistencies
#2yes No fundamental principles are violated.
#3yes This theory explains the initial observation.
#4yes The theory applies to the area of investigation and does not go far beyond.
#5yes Competent, well-known researchers put forward the theory.
#6no Not known.
#7no Not known.
#8yes No outside agenda is known.


D1: Didymo blooms have cropped up in rivers worldwide.
D2: Didymo has been in most of the bloom locations for decades, if not centuries.
D3: Blooms after 2004 occur only when a river’s phosphorus levels drop extremely low.
D4: New Zealand rivers hit by didymo had low phosphorus long before the 2004 blooms.

Evaluation Chart



From this data (Invasion - 2, Environmental - 3), the environmental theory would be the better theory between these two options.