Homework #1

Use the Email Form to send the instructor your response to the first two questions.

  1. Read all three pages of the New York Times article "Dangling Particles" by Lisa Randall and write a short piece giving your perspective on the difficulty of communicating scientific ideas to the general public. This is strictly your opinion and there is not any required format for this assignment. A new tab or window (depending on your browser settings) will open.
  2. Read the syllabus and answer the following questions.
    1. What day and time of the day are homework assignments due?
    2. How many late homework assignments can you hand in without penalty?
  3. Use the "Introduction Page" link in the "Syllabus, Etc." menu and add your name, email, and a message introducing yourself. Pick any set of boxes and type over "Student Name", "Student Email", and "Introduction". When you are done, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. Posting on this page is like introducing ourselves on the first day of class. It also provides a way for you to know who is in the class and a way to contact other members of the class.

Each homework question will be worth ten homework points. I suggest for all of your written homework that you type the answers into a word processor and then copy and paste into the form.