Instructor: | Dr. David R. Burgess |
Office: | STH239 Office hours are posted on my door. |
Phone: | 603-897-8264 (office) |
Internet: |
(E-mail) (To Class Homepage) |
Suggested Text: CHEMISTRY
The Central Science, 12th ed. by Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy and Woodward
ISBN-10: 0-321-69672-7/ISBN-13: 978-0-321-69672-4 (Student Edition)
Optional text: Study Guide to accompany CHEMISTRY The Central Science
A Note About the Text: It is suggested that you buy the 12th edition because pages in that edition will be referred to during class, but If you can't find a 12th edition or if it is still too expensive, you will be able to use any edition of this text after the 10th edition.
This course is a continuation of CHE104 and will provide an opportunity for each student to learn about, and become skilled at applying, the following concepts: Physical properties of matter (including states of matter, phase changes, intermolecular forces, etc.), thermodynamics, kinetics, and solution chemistry (including solubility, colligative properties, equilibrium, acid-base reactions, etc.). A class schedule is given below. The text provides details as to how these concepts will be presented.
The objective of this course is to provide you with an opportunity to gain a basis of principles, concepts, and reasoning skills that will allow you to explore and better understand the world we live in. This course will also provide a sound beginning for future work in chemistry and the sciences. Understanding chemistry depends on a good working foundation. You are well advised to learn all you can from this course since this is where that foundation is obtained.
Chemistry is also an excellent opportunity to work on the college-wide competencies listed on the page titled Academic Assessment at Rivier. The nature of chemistry requires you to apply an understanding of course content to solve a variety of problems. In the process you will need to think critically and synthesize concepts. It is also an opportunity to make judgments about the appropriateness of solutions, not only in a physical sense, but often in more global ways. The ability to communicate will be important when explaining concepts and working in groups.
Feel free to ask questions during the "lecture" period or at any other time. It is a general rule in chemistry that if one person doesn't understand, there are at least three or four others who also don't understand.
Homework problems, as discussed below, are on the class website. Homework from the website will not be collected, but a quiz will be given at the beginning of the laboratory period covering the homework up to that point. One quiz will be dropped when calculating the quiz average. The quiz average will contribute to the lecture grade.
Four exams will be given during the semester. Exams will not include true-false or multiple choice questions but will include problems similar to homework problems and exercises done in class and in the laboratory. There will also be a comprehensive final exam.
Final grades will be determined using the following scale:
Exam Average | 65% |
Quiz Average | 15% |
Comprehensive Final Exam | 20% |
Letter grades will be assigned as established by the college (see page titled Academic Assessment at Rivier). For example, if a student had an exam average of 86%, a quiz average of 81%, and a final exam score of 78%, she would have a final score of
(.15)(86) + (.65)(82) + (.2)(77) = 81.6
and receive a B- in the course.
The class homepage also has other resources to help clarify the topics covered in class as well as a link to Academic Policies at Rivier and for this class. On our class policy page ( specific statements have been extracted, from the policies common to all undergraduate courses at Rivier College (Rivier Academic Policies.), on Attendance, Habitual Non-Attendance, Academic Assessment, Academic Honesty, Classroom Behavior, Electronic Devices and Students With Disabilities. You are expected to be familiar with these policies and adhere to them.
Note: Exams will be on the scheduled dates. The specific material covered on an exam will generally be as indicated in this schedule, but may include material from other sections as determined in class.
13 Jan - 29 Jan | Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids (Ch. 11-12) |
31 Jan | Exam I |
3 Feb - 19 Feb | Properties of Solutions (Ch. 13) |
21 Feb | Exam II |
2 Mar - 6 Mar | Spring Vacation |
24 Feb - 18 Mar | Kinetics and Chemical Thermodynamics (Ch. 14 and Ch. 19) |
20 Mar | Exam III |
10 Apr | Easter Break |
23 Mar - 22 Apr | Equilibrium (Ch. 15-17) |
24 Apr | Exam IV |
As Scheduled | Final Comprehensive Exam (8 am) |
The homework associated with each exam can be accessed through the General Chemistry Homepage.
These pages have all of the required homework for the material covered in the indicated exam. The textbook associated with this homework is CHEMISTRY The Central Science by Brown, LeMay, The last edition I required students to buy was the 12th edition (CHEMISTRY The Central Science, 12th ed. by Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy and Woodward), but any edition of this text will do for this course.
Note: You are expected to go to the end of chapter problems in your textbook, find similar questions, and work out those problems as well. This is just the required list of problems for quiz purposes. You should also study the Exercises within the chapters. The exercises are worked out examples of the questions at the back of the chapter. The study guide also has worked out examples.
These are bare-bones questions. The textbook questions will have additional information that may be useful and that connects the problems to real life applications, many of them in biology.
Problems Previously Assigned from the Suggested Text: Chemistry The Central Science, 12th ed., by Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy and Woodward
Ch. 11: 6, 7, 9, 15, 19, 23, 25, 29, 37, 43, 45, 53, 55, 59, 61
Ch. 12: 7, 9, 13, 23, 31, 33
Ch. 13: 29, 31, 33, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79
Ch. 14: 3, 9, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43
Ch. 15: 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 33, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 57, 61, 63, 65, 67
Ch. 16: 13, 15, 17, 19, 27, 29, 31, 35, 37, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 87, 89, 95, 97
Ch. 17: 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 41, 43, 45, 51, 53, 57
Ch. 19: 23, 25, 31, 43, 53, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71
Instructor: Dr. David R. Burgess,,
Text: No text is required, but each student is encouraged to use a bound laboratory notebook.
The second semester chemistry laboratory will focus on problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning in scientific experimentation. In addition the laboratory will provide each student the opportunity to re-enforce the topics covered in lecture and extend their chemical knowledge base.
- Expose the students to different forms of modeling.
- Provide experience with some basic chemistry laboratory equipment.
- Complement the lecture material by performing laboratory experiments investigating some of the concepts discussed in lecture.
- Provide experience with documenting data and writing laboratory reports.
- Develop the ability to work in groups to develop reasoning skills and to create laboratory investigation procedures.
- Students will learn how to develop and carry out experiments in acid/base titrations, polar/nonpolar properties, cooling curves, freezing point depression, kinetics, equilibrium.
- Students will learn to use common chemical laboratory equipment such as thermometers, test tubes, beakers, pipettes, hot plates, etc. throughout the course. In addition they will learn how to operate HPLC, FTIR, NMR, and uv/visable instrumentation to determine chemical properties of materials.
- Students will develop a better understanding of how to complete lab reports for each of the laboratory experiments performed.
- Students will learn how to better work in groups to create laboratory experiments for kinetics and the equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction.
The final grade will be determined by averaging all of the assignments given during the semester. Each assignment will carry equal weight.
All data should be recorded in a bound laboratory notebook. It is also a good idea to write a preliminary report in your notebook, before doing the experiment, when possible. A separate report, based on the notebook material, is required for each student. The reports are due the next week after completing the laboratory at the beginning of your laboratory section. Late reports will be penalized*. Some reports may require a modified format. This will be discussed in class for each laboratory or exercise. It is expected that all written material will be grammatically correct. A word processor should be used (equations and the like can be hand written).
Each student is individually responsible to get, understand and complete the assignments on time, even when working in groups or when absent. You are encouraged to help each other understand the material, but don't hand in identical lab reports. Identical homework is a form of plagiarism and cheating and will be handled according to the academic honesty policy.
*Late assignments: There will not be any penalty for up to three late lab assignments. If there are four or more late assignments at the end of the semester, all of the late assignments, including the first three, will be penalized one point (10%) when calculating the final grade. Only the late assignments will be penalized and this will be done when final grades are calculated, after the assignments have been graded (all assignments will be graded as if they came in on time).
Most laboratory reports should be organized as follows:
- Date, Name, Title
- Objective or Purpose of the Experiment
- Theory (What principles are needed in order to understand this lab?)
- Underlying Concepts
- Mathematical Models
- Materials Needed
- Procedure
- Tabulated Data
- Result (as stated by the objective) with uncertainty
- Error Analysis. (How confident are you in the result? What is the +/- value? Where does it come from? What experimental factors are responsible for the uncertainty? How much does each factor contribute to the uncertainty?)
- Implications (Where could this be used?)
Safety In The Chemistry Laboratory
All students are required to know and abide by the safety rules for the laboratory as explained in class and summarized below and in the document "Safety In The Chemistry Laboratory."
Whenever anyone is in a chemical laboratory they must serious, attentive, use caution and observe some basic rules. Most of these are common sense, but they must be strictly adhered to in order to keep the laboratory safe.
1. Always wear safety glasses. No one is allowed into the laboratory without eye protection. If there is a spill use the eyewash immediately, before the material runs behind the eye protection. If chemicals come in contact with the skin, immediately wash with copious amounts of water and inform the instructor. Always inform the instructor of any accident.
2. Food and drinks are not allowed in the laboratory. No smoking, drinking, eating, or chewing is permitted at any time in the lab.
3. Shoes must be worn in the laboratory at all times.
4. Secure loose clothing and hair while working in the lab.
5. Dispose of chemicals as instructed.
6. Never taste anything or directly smell the source of any vapor or gas. Use the hood as instructed.
7. Never point a test tube that is being heated at yourself or anyone else.
8. Clean up all broken glass immediately. Inform the instructor whenever anything is broken.
9. Always pour acids into water. Doing it the other way around can produce a lot of heat and cause spattering. Be especially careful with sulfuric acid which is more dense than water and may sink under the water, build up heat, and spatter. Slowly pour the acid into the water while stirring constantly.
10. Never pour "extra" chemicals back into the original containers.
11. Never work alone in the laboratory.