Day 1


The context paragraph will indicate where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. In this case we have been apart, having our own experiences with the physical world. Some may have had previous science classes or other training. Some have avoided math and science as much as possible and only had the bare minimum science exposure. We are going to work together to further our understanding of the world around us, no matter where we are at right now.


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Today we will introduce ourselves, look at how this class will be run, think about why we are here, begin to figure out what is meant by physical science and look at the role of logical reasoning in the physical sciences.

After studying this page you should be able to:


The syllabus explains how this class will be administered. What is the most unusual thing found in this syllabus? What is mentioned, but hard to understand?

Most of us have more than one reason that we decided to go to college. What was the main motivating factor for you? Why do you think most students go to college? What skills do you hope to learn or be better at after you graduate? Here are Rivier's academic goals and a list of employer expectations.

Physical science covers a lot of science! The state has identified four main categories: Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, and Space Science. What are some of the sub-categories in each?

Logical reasoning is used in some aspect of every discipline. Can you think of a example of how it might be used in English?

Chapter Two of the little textbook for this class gives some more detail about arguments and how they might be used. We will look at that in some detail.

Class Homework For This Page
These are the same questions you will find and answer on Canvas.
Don't try to submit them from here.
  1. After reading the syllabus answer the following questions: 1) What are the categories of homework questions? 2) When is the class homework due? 3) Are there any penalties for turning homework in late?

  2. What is one example of how logical reasoning is used in your major.

  3. What are four main categories of physical science as determined by the state of New Hampshire?