Day 20 - Matter and Atoms Webpage Homework

This class period will be asynchonous. You don't have to join a discussion today. The homework is due at the end of our normal class period: 12:15. Also the review for this one is a little longer, so you might want to trade some earlier time to work on this.

Some Notes:

Homework For This Class Period

The homework for this class will be to work through a set of webpages, submitting the webpage homework, and submitting a webpage review.

Go to the webpages by signing in below.

Physical Science
Input Your Username:

To give you credit for the work you do the software has to know who you are, so to get in you should use your username for where this software is hosted, which is the first initial of your first name and your last name, no capitals and no spaces.

You should start on that page and work through the webpages, submitting the webpage homework as you go, until you get to the last multiple choice webpage review. The software will take you from page to page and tell you when you are done.

When you submit a response an email will be sent to you and to the instructor. If you get to the next page and receive an email you can assume that it was submitted to the instructor as well. It doesn't automatically get put into Canvas, the instructor has to manually put it in. So don't worry if you don't see it in Canvas immediately.