Project Components to be Implemented
1. Summer Institute – Emphasis on Teacher Learning of Physical Science Concepts Through Active Learning.
a. engage teachers in authentic scientific inquiry
b. create a community of science learners
c. engage in content based discussions
d. develop an appreciation of the different explanations people give for how things work
e. support teachers’ abilities to develop science lessons that are aligned with the revised science frameworks and grade level learning expectations
2. Monthly Meetings – Emphasis on Student
Learning of Physical Science
a. uncover student ideas in science
b. engage students in genuine scientific inquiry
c. assess student understanding in science through the examination of student work in science
d. develop a teaching pedagogy to support students’ understanding of scientific concepts
e. create a collaborative and supportive community for teachers to share dilemmas of practice in science
f. engage in collaborative assessment of student work in science
3. Online Component to Support Teacher Pedagogy Content Knowledge
a. Online courses
b. Online discussion space
Description and Administration of Project Components
I. Summer Physical Science
· The Institute will be designed around physical science concepts and grade level student learning expectations identified in the New Hampshire science frameworks.
· Exemplary curriculum materials will be used as a resource to promote teacher understanding of selected physical science concepts as well as the nature of scientific inquiry. The sessions utilize an inquiry based approach to learning and teaching science.
· A portion of each session will be devoted to thoughtful discussion of:
Institute: Measurable Outcomes and
· Teachers who attend the Summer Science Institute and receive a stipend will be responsible for developing and teaching a standards-based student-centered lesson utilizing inquiry pedagogy around a concept and grade level expectation (GLE) aligned with the new NH Frameworks for the grade level they teach. At least one of these sessions is to be videotaped.
o The lesson must reflect current research on children’s ideas in science, and utilize practices to uncover, assess, follow, and enhance student learning.
o Lesson must include formal and informal means to assess student learning resulting from the activity.
· Teachers who attend the Summer Science Institute and receive a stipend will be required to share their experiences at the monthly meetings in the coming academic year.
· Pre and post assessments, as well as embedded assessments, will be used each session to assess participant learning of content matter.
· Questions drawn from the literature will be used to uncover and elicit participant thinking at the outset of each session.
· Email distribution list to promote dialog among teachers across districts
Share Point will be utilized to support
conversation within the
Administrative Details for the Institute
· The summer institute will be a three-day experience using a workshop format.
· Sessions will be co-facilitated by science and education faculty from Rivier College and Nashua School District.
· Summer Institute is open to teachers across and within the Nashua, Bedford, and Hudson school districts. Each district will be asked to send a team of no fewer than three members
· Participants will retain any products resulting from the institute
· Summer Institute will be held at Nashua School District facilities
· Enrollment is limited to 30
· Sessions will be videotaped for assessment and evaluation purposes
· Institute is available at no cost to participants. Participants agreeing to the requirements stated above will receive a stipend.
· This professional development program would provide staff development credit that could be used toward content, pedagogy, or assessment.
· Graduate credit will be available.
II. Monthly Meetings
(collaboration and collegiality)
· Teachers from the participating school districts will meet monthly to discuss issues of science teaching and learning. Some sessions will be facilitated by teachers who have expressed an interest in and ability to facilitate reflective discussions about teaching and learning. Teacher-facilitators will receive a stipend for this leadership role.
· Teachers will be asked to bring samples of student work related to a physical science concept for collaborative analysis of student learning utilizing a research-based protocol designed for such discussion purposes.
· Teachers will also be encouraged to make classroom videotapes of students engaged in science learning which can be used to facilitate discussion of learning and teaching in science.
· Sessions will provide an opportunity for teachers to discuss issues generated by the group.
· Email distribution list to promote dialog among teachers across districts
Share Point will be utilized to support
conversation within the
Monthly sessions will be held on-site at the
· Sessions will be facilitated by designated teachers and IHE personnel.
· Light refreshments will be provided and purchased with project funds
· Participants will receive Certificates of Attendance
· Participants will receive teacher stipends for participation.
III. On-line Course work in
Physical Science
Teachers who work all day have demonstrated a need for alternative ways to obtain professional development. The online courses associated with this project can be done at any time and the administration of the course is very flexible. These courses are focused on content knowledge, but attempt to put the specific content in context. The topics are associated with the New Hampshire Frameworks.
In addition, the software is being developed with designed redundancy to accommodate various learners. There is currently in place allowance for four modes of content delivery and an assessment piece for each lesson. There are currently two modes of assessment being used: short answer questions and multiple choice questions. At some point we would like to expand this and incorporate more modes of assessment into each lesson, but at this point we are concentrating on developing the modes of delivery.
To access the modes of delivery there are hyperlinks for text, multimedia, and practice for each lesson. The material in the text link is carefully crafted with space for context, short definition, explanation of the concept, model of the concept, and thinking questions about the concept. It is intended that the multimedia mode of delivery will include some short text, visual representation of the concepts, and voice representation of the concepts. Only a few of these multimedia “modules” are in place and some funding to help develop these for the lessons associated with this project is included in this grant proposal. The practice section uses multiple choice questions and immediate feedback for students to reinforce, and often learn, the concepts of the lesson.
The approach is very much in line with what is currently called Universal Design for Learning.
IHE science and education faculty have met with the districts and the external project evaluator from SNHU to identify measurable outcomes and to develop tools, such as the PCK rubric, to assess progress consistent with the project goals and objectives. These outcomes are listed in the section “Goals and Objectives”.