Southern New Hampshire Science Teacher Collaborative Network

Teacher Inquiry and Student Learning In Science

Teachers Grades 3-6




We invite you to participate in an exciting new collaborative for science teaching in southern New Hampshire. The collaborative is designed to support collaboration among teachers from five school districts: Nashua, Hudson, Milford, Hollis-Brookline and Bedford. The project is made possible by a Mathematics Science Partnership Initiative Grant awarded by the New Hampshire Department of Education. As a part of this collaborative you will participate in a three-day Summer Science Institute and be a founding member of The Science Teacher Collaborative Network.


Participants could receive a stipend of up to $850. Applications are to be submitted to the District Coordinator no later than May 15th 2007. Applicants must commit to both the Summer Institute and the Science Teacher Collaborative.  Note: space is reserved for each district to send a team of teachers. After June 1st 2007 enrollment will be re-opened to fill any open slots.


Project Goals:


  • To establish a supportive and collegial professional development culture focused on teaching and learning in science that includes a Summer Science Institute and development of a Science Teacher Collaborative.
  • To support teacher understanding of the role of student ideas in science learning, how students develop scientific understanding, and the critical role of ongoing assessment in learning and teaching in science.
  • To support teacher knowledge of the pedagogy needed to develop student understanding of the physical science concepts identified by the Grade Level Learning Expectations of the New Hampshire Science Frameworks.
  • To extend teacher knowledge and understanding of physical science concepts, especially those identified by the physical science strand of the revised NH Science Frameworks.


Overall Requirements

·        Active participation in all three days of the Summer Institute.

·        Active participation in and contribution to the development of a Science Teacher Collaborative Network (STCN).

·        Collect and share samples of student thinking with colleagues through STCN.

·        Develop and teach a lesson in their classroom utilizing inquiry pedagogy around a physical concept and grade span expectation (GSE) aligned with the NH Science Frameworks for the grade level they teach in the 2007-2008 school year.

·        Participate in project evaluations.


Three-Day Summer Teacher Institute in Physical Science for Teachers Grades 3-6.


Dates: 7, 8, 9 August 2007

Time: 8:00am to 3pm. Light refreshments and lunch will be provided during the Institute.

Location: Nashua High School South

Limited enrollment: 30 participants: Nashua (8), Hudson (6), Milford (4) Bedford (6), Hollis-Brookline (6).


The Institute will be designed around physical science concepts and the grade span learning expectations for grades 3-6 identified in the New Hampshire science frameworks. The sessions engage participants in inquiry-based experiences to support understanding of physical science concepts as well as the ability to design experiences for students around those concepts. The sessions will emphasize the role of inquiry in student learning, the nature of student thinking in science, ways to uncover the ideas that students bring to their learning, and developing inquiry based lessons that address the Grade Level Learning Expectations.


Teachers who attend the Science Institute are required to attend at least five out of eight monthly meetings of the STCN during the 2007-2008 academic year.


Institute participants are also responsible for posting a descriptive vignette that emerges from the lesson developed as a result of the Summer Institute. Vignettes should emphasize student thinking.  Postings might describe an example of student learning, moments of uncertainty, moments in which the appropriate response was not clear, occasions when a student expressed an insight which was not anticipated, etc.



The Science Teacher Collaborative Network Meetings


Dates: All monthly meetings are held on Thursday afternoons. Scheduled dates:  9/27; 10/25; 11/29; 12/13; 1/24/08; 2/21/08; 3/20/08; 4/20/08.

Time: 3:30 to 5:30pm.


Monthly meetings provide a setting for sharing, discussing, and reflecting on the practice of teaching in which the participants are the experts. Each month participants consider a dilemma of practice or student learning presented by a colleague and engage in the collaborative assessment of student work. Other activities may also be scheduled as generated by the group.


Graduate Credit Option


Three graduate credits are available through Rivier College at 2/3 reduced tuition rate. Graduate credit will require submission of a detailed lesson plan around a GSE in Physical Science, a performance assessment task, a sample of student work with written analysis, and a ten minute classroom video tape to demonstrate student thinking.