Welcome to the 2010-2011 Documents Page!

MOSART (PDF Documents)

  1. Astronomy
  2. Earth and Space Science
  3. Physical Science

Science Standards (Word Documents)

  1. Earth Space Science_NH GSE_K-8.doc
  2. GSE SCIENCE_5-6.doc
  3. GSE SCIENCE_GRADES 3 -4.doc
  5. Life Science_NH GSE_K-8.doc
  6. Physical Science_NH GSE K-8.doc

NECAP Science Assessment

  1. NECAP Science Assessment - Guidelines for the Development of Science Inquiry Tasks (PDF Document)
  2. NECAP 2008 Grade8 Science Released Items (Word Document)
  3. NECAP Grade4 Science Released Items (Word and PDF Documents)

Plan to Support Children's Inquiry (PowerPoint Document)

Looking For Evidence Of Inquiry Protocol (Rich Text Format Document)

Performance Tasks (Word and PDF Documents)

Fiona's Files (Word and PDF Documents)