Students and Teachers Studying the World Together!

Outcomes and Benefits of Inquiry Based Learning

Research into inquiry-based learning has revealed several important benefits and outcomes:

1 Dillivan, K.D. & Dillivan, M. (2014 February). Student Interest in STEM Disciplines: Results from a Summer Day Camp. Journal of Extension, Research In Brief 52 (1); Selim, M.A. & Shrigley, R. L. (1983). The group dynamics approach: A sociopsychological approach for testing the effect of discovery and expository teaching on the science achievement and attitude of young Egyptian students. Journal of Research of Science Teaching, 20(3), pp.213-224.; Gibson, H. L. (1998). Case studies of an inquiry-based science programs' impact on students' attitudes towards science and interest in science careers. ERIC document reproduction service no. ED 417 980; Gibson, H. L., & Chase, C. (2002). Longitudinal impact of an inquiry-based science program on middle school students' attitudes toward science. Science Education, 86(5), 693-705.

2Simsek, P. & Kabapmar, F. (2010). The effects of inquiry-based learning on elementary students' conceptual understanding of matter, scientific process skills and science attitudes Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (2) 1190-1194; Skelton, P., Seevers, B., Dormody,T., & Hodnett, F. (2012 July). A Conceptual Process Model for Improving Youth Science Comprehension Article. Journal of Extension, 50(3).

3Wu, H. K. & Wu, C. L. Exploring the Development of Fifth Graders' Practical Epistemologies and Explanation Skills in Inquiry-Based Learning Classrooms. Res Sci Educ 41, 319-340 (2011).

4Chang, C. & Mao, S. (1998). The Effects of an Inquiry-Based Instructional Method on Earth Science Students' Achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (71st, San Diego, CA, April 19-22).

5 Chang, C. & Mao, S. (1998). The Effects of an Inquiry-Based Instructional Method on Earth Science Students' Achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (71st, San Diego, CA, April 19-22); Scott, D. & Friesen, S. (2013). Inquiry-Based Learning: A Review of the Research Literature. Alberta Education. 1. 1-29; Simsek, P. & Kabapmar, F. (2010). The effects of inquiry-based learning on elementary students' conceptual understanding of matter, scientific process skills and science attitudes Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (2) 1190-1194; Skelton, P., Seevers, B., Dormody,T., & Hodnett, F. (2012 July). A Conceptual Process Model for Improving Youth Science Comprehension Article. Journal of Extension, 50(3); Wu, H. K. & Wu, C. L. Exploring the Development of Fifth Graders' Practical Epistemologies and Explanation Skills in Inquiry-Based Learning Classrooms. Res Sci Educ 41, 319-340 (2011).