Laboratory Report Format for PHY107

Laboratory reports are to be individually done and handed in during class time on the days indicated in the class schedule. They should be typed in a word processor and printed on paper. These reports will be expansions of the posters that are done during class. Some example reports are available in the menu. The structure of the reports is given in the syllabus and given with some more explanation below.

Each lab report will be worth 20 points. The percentage of points earned will contribute 25% toward the final grade. The final project laboratory report will contribute to a different course component as stated in the syllabus.


Use the question that was investigated during the experimentation phase as the title of the laboratory report.

Exploration Phase

  1. Describe the way the exploration began including the launch if one was used.
  2. Describe the actual exploration of the phenomena. What did you try that worked or didn't work?
  3. Identify the variables that came up during the exploration.
  4. Give at least three questions that came up during the exploration.
  5. Identify the question that was settled on for the experimentation phase.

Experimentation and Data Collection

  1. State the objective of the experiment.
  2. Describe and explain the experiment. Give some reasoning for the methods and materials used.
  3. Explain how the data will help to answer the question.
  4. Provide the data that is collected using tables and graphs as appropriate.

Making Sense

  1. Clearly identify the result of the experiment. How does it come from the data? Is it a single piece of information or a trend? Is there more than one conclusion that can be drawn from the data?
  2. Identify any trends or patterns and at least one prediction associated with a trend or pattern.
  3. How confident are you with the result? Provide a measure of uncertainty if appropriate (error bars, +/- values, etc.). Discuss any implications that the degree of uncertainty being reported might suggest.
  4. Answer these questions as appropriate: Does this result agree with previous experience? Does it agree with other groups in the class? Were there any ideas generated during the whole-group class discussion? Does the result agree with what other scientists have found (provide references)?
  5. Identify at least two new questions that result from the investigation. Identify at least one next step to better understand or extend the question.

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